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Everyone loves giving feedback right?! :) It would be great to have a little button (similar to the calendar + leaderboard) on...
A slick little add-on to the attendance widget on the home screen would be - to be able to set a custom attendance number for...
Would be awesome to be able to like/love heart/thumbs down/poo emoji another persons comment on the leaderboard/message section...
show who has cancelled and the time they cancelled out of the class, so I can see who is doing it and check on them.
Having a notification pop up when a class is late cancelled (eg. Member cancels class within 12 hours of class commencing and...
Link gym schedule to your google/ ical calendar so all gym schedules you participate in can be linked to your calendar.
When logging scores in input boxes that only accept numbers (weight, reps, time etc) can the keyboard default to a numpad...
Please add in being able to use Gifs to comment on fellow members WOD scores. This is one of the most fun parts of SugarWOD!
Workout details entered so we know how someone scale s if they note what they did . I always do, no one can see it. Change...
Be good to be able to calculate 1rms percentage for strength work