Able to view comments in workout score

  • Live


Make comments people have made viewable to others under their score.


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Cameron Mitchell

Status changed to: Live


Cameron Mitchell

Hi Heath (and voters), this is now LIVE. With the new release your comment will go through to the leaderboard for all to see (unless the member unselects the option so they can keep it as a private note). The member's comment will appear on the leaderboard as the first comment!

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Danielle T

People below asked this to be fixed 7 months ago .. whats going on .. Fix it please.


Danielle T

Workout Notes on Leader Board View . I have made this an Item too. Dont Understand why its not there. Such a Basic thing . Does not appear You put much time into testing the System on functionality.
Make this a Priority Please . Easy Fix .. Just do it. So annoying cant see how others do the scaled WODs or Comments.

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Shari Tindall

Agree. also a very important tool for us to be able to see members own notes. Also the ability to delete a comment if posted multiple times by accident.

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Tina Cotter

This is really important for us and our leader board - we all usually put notes in the workout about how we scaled - focus for the workout and be able to see each others and comment.

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Tim Leyden

Hi Heath, are you referring to notes a member can make on their score while they are logging the score?

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Van Demon Fitness (VanDemonFitness)

Yep that would be great 👍

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