Shari Tindall |
Can we please add Reps for Score, not just amreps.
Also in the rounds and reps scored component, you can log say 4 rounds and 10 reps. then on leaderboard it says 4 rounds only (doesn't show the reps)
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Cameron Mitchell
New release is now LIVE, so AMRAP will show rounds and reps and AMReP just a rep score :). Thanks for reporting this Shari.
Cameron Mitchell
Status changed to: Live
Cameron Mitchell
Hi, AMRAP score has been fixed to show both rounds and reps, and will be released in the new app build this week (we will formally notify all owners/coaches via email when the app is published). Can you please expand on the difference you would like for Reps for Score compared to AMRAP and/or AMReP?
Marty Skele
Awesome Cam! I think AMRAP and AMReP will suffice as scoring components.